A Cappella West is a Chorus of Sweet Adelines in Australia.
Membership in Sweet Adelines International offers the chorus worldwide education and training opportunities, as well as National and International contest access.
Experience the joy, the passion, Join us today!
A Cappella West is a 70+ voice female vocal harmony chorus based in Manning, Western Australia. We have twice represented Australia at the Sweet Adelines International Championships in the USA as a result of having won Gold at the Australian National Championships – a high achieving group who still has plenty of fun!
Do you love to sing? Are you looking for a new challenge in a fun, inspiring and supportive musical community? Find out more about visiting a rehearsal and starting your ACW life!
We rehearse every Wednesday evening at 7pm, at the Manning Community Hall.
A small but mighty group of performers sang 6 songs on the Main Community stage at the vibrant and busy Coogee Live festival on Sunday. Thank you to the organisers ... more
Flashmob - Little Creatures Fremantle
A group of singers from ACW popped out of the crowd at Little Creatures to welcome a new Australian citizen. We sang "I Am Australian" to an emotional crowd, followed ... more
Every Wednesday from 6.45pm at
Manning Community Hall
2 Conochie Crescent
WA 6152 map
Alison: 0417 189 855
Saturday was our show day at Kalamunda PAC. After a couple of hiccups along the way, we hit the stage with everything we had and had heaps of fun ... more
We are so proud to announce our 3rd place result in this weekend’s Region 34 Sweet Adelines Chorus Competition in Fremantle WA. We put our best out on stage ... more