A Cappella West is a 70+ female vocal harmony chorus directed by Joanne Oosterhoff and based in Perth, Western Australia.  We have twice represented Australia at the Sweet Adelines International Championships in the USA as a result of having taken the Gold at the Australian National Championships – a high achieving group who still has way too much fun!

Our motto is to have fun, and share our love for singing with our audiences — something that definitely comes across in our energetic performances!

Hire Us Today!

Looking for something spectacular and inspirational for your next corporate or community event? Why not arrange for A Cappella West to perform for you.
Call Judy 0433 720 590 or select Events in our contact form.

A Cappella West is a Chorus of Sweet Adelines in Australia.
Membership in Sweet Adelines offers the chorus worldwide education and training opportunities, National and International contest access.